How does the Event Reporting work?
- We set up a secure reporting webpage specifically for your Council.
- You (COEA) send the reporting webpage URL to your Council's OE course leads, Trainers & MEs, asking them to use it to report all their OE teaching activities.
- You also have an Admin webpage to see everything which has been submitted.
- At the end of the year (and some friendly reminders to your folks), your admin page has a nice summary with (most of) the numbers you need to fill out your Annual Report.
Note: You, the Council Outdoor Ethics Advocate (COEA), are our key contact in your council! We're not going to bypass you, so we only make the tool available for you and your Council if you request it.
What are the Advantages?
- Your course leads, Trainers & Masters have an easy way to report their Outdoor Ethics teaching activities throughout the year.
- The COEA has a nice summary of everything that has been reported, and easy access to the details.
The activities are categorized and summarized to show numbers you need for your Annual Report.
How do I sign up?
COEA - simply send an email to requesting the OE Event Reporting for your Council.
When it is set up, he will send you the Reporting Form link and your Admin page link with your ID/password.